Still, with patience and grace usually only found in mothers of developmentally delayed children, the admin of the Church have repeatedly explained why Stanton and his ilk are not Satanists as per the Church of Satan, let alone suitable for leadership in this Church.
The CoS is rabidly and definitively anti-drug. Some feel that way for legal reasons, some for health, some for magical purposes. The reason doesn't really matter beyond the individual, but as an organization, well, Stanton is showing exactly why the Church of Satan will always hold an anti-drug canonical position: Because idiots like Stanton will forever link drug use and illegal, anti-social, reprehensible behavior with the religion of Satanism! Thanks, bunches, Stanton.
And then...sexual assault? Really?
No one knows better than I that the CoS reacts to sexual crime in a way that the Catholic Church and other Christian ministries would do well to emulate! The Church of Satan throws out anyone guilty of a sexual crime.
With great freedom comes great responsibility, and Satanism embraces the carnal nature of man. That said what kind of limp dick insecure piece of shit needs to sexually assault a stoner teen to get off? Sadly....I know the answer. Men who need to do this sort of thing are the weakest excuses for humans that exist. They deserve nothing less than being on the receiving end in prison. Those who wear the badge of "Satanist" have an even greater responsibility to display the positive aspects of sexual freedom as a religious tenet. Those who are slaves to their sexual pathologies would do well to face the fact that they no longer are Satanists, but merely hedonists waiting to cross the line and get arrested.
So...for the years when we were forced to explain why the CoS had no room for Mr. Stanton LaVey, we say "See?" It didn't take a psychic to see that Stanton's grasp on Satanism was pre-first phase and that he would have done nothing but give the Christian evangelists fodder for their pulpits.
High Priest Peter Gilmore has led this organization to a golden age, a veritable renaissance, and now we can prove categorically that any romantic notions of a Stanton LaVey regime would have done nothing more that provided the herd the very stereotype they wish for!