Five minutes ago as I was finishing up the research to write this blog, my beloved Magister Mitchell asked me what was wrong with Joy of Satan Ministries? Out of my mouth popped " Well, if you read everything I have ever written about what is wrong with non-CoS Satanism and put it all in one place, BINGO! You'd have Joy of Satan Ministries." I wish I had been exaggerating.
It is the policy of The Church of Satan to not name offending organizations because it often gives these losers a sort of reverse validation. To even know that they are being noticed by us makes them giddy with the sort of joy only willing victims can revel in. This group is such an object lesson, such a textbook description of everything wrong that I can find no way around addressing them by name and addressing them completely. Joy of Satan is a spiritual devil worshiping sect heavy on anti-Semites and white supremacy (except for Native Americans, 'go figure,) which advocates recruitment of kids, blood ritual, appeasement magic, and historical revisionism. When I write about what makes Satanists look bad---these are them.
Not long ago some moron complained that I had written that there was no Satanism prior to 1966. This Hawking clone wrote "Bullshit! What about Joy of Satan?" I had never heard of these people before and did some preliminary searches to find this group began in the late 90's/early 00's. Historical chronology apparently is not part of the training. The leader is a lady called Maxine Deitrich, which is not her real name, but who cares? Most of us in this line of work use a pseudonym--no sin there. The mailing address is Tulsa Oklahoma and they seem to have legitimate credentials regarding copyrighting their material and being a legal religious institution. 'can't gripe about that. Which is just as well because there is so much to complain about that I may not stop writing until Christmas. Let us start with their basic philosophy:
Their Black Book
In a nutshell, these people believe in a literal deity named Satan, who they call "Father Satan" and he has all the bells and whistles of god. They literally worship and pray to him. They are the stereotypical satanists as envisioned by every uneducated christian schmuck. That much i had been prepared for. The trouble is that I found this link under this heading: "More Tips for Teens....Father Satan states in the Black Book we are to keep his secrets!"
This is outrageously irresponsible! If it isn't criminal, it should be.
I would be/have been deeply offended when Christians of all stripes have tried to recruit/propagandize/proselytize/minister to my children. It just isn't cool. Parents have a right to raise their kids as they see fit, the only exception being abuse. When the child turns 18 and is no longer the parent's responsibility, all bets are off, but until then NO ONE has the right to undermine the authority of a legal guardian. Ever. Period.
That this bitch would have the balls not only to direct this detritus at kids, but then tell them to lie to their parents as a religious mandate from a literal god-form named Satan is inexcusable. She is handing the mainstream their biggest fears on a platter. She is embodying the very lies I have worked for decades to dispel, and I take it really personally, as a Satanist, a parent, and a woman. She has forfeited her vagina as far as I am concerned.
However--before we move on, here are some goodies worth a giggle:
Once you become really strong in Satan, Christian symbols, prayers and related become unbearable and literally sickening.....because if you join up with my group you are that weak and powerless. By adopting Satan as a literal deity you are giving power to the very thing you claim to be against.
If you are forced to take the communion host, you can hold it in your mouth, ask to use the restroom and spit it in the toilet. ...because those Catholic wafers have real power and if you swallow them Satan will be pissed....you might get a halo.
Remember, Christianity is a false religion with a false god. Once you really know the truth, Christianity will have no power over you. ...but if I don't give you these silly instructions you'll doubt my authority and we can't have that.
There are even more demands to become lying sacks of shit on this page:
Burkes Tips To Guarantee Disloyalty and Prevent Integrity
Now, I am not sure who it is the Joy of Satan Ministry want in their organization, but honest, truthful people are obviously neither valued nor welcomed. A teen who is taught that god (even in the form of satan) wants them to lie to those who love and care for them is not the type of person I want in my religious group. Moreover, once again, they are feeding into the whole Christian "Father of Lies" mythos that distracts from the genuine dogmatic requirement of doubt and inquiry that makes Satanism BETTER than traditional religions. Before we move on from kids, one last thing, and although this applies to all the morons who want to join up with these looney tunes, the fact that they are endorsing this behavior for kids is completely disgusting:
How to Sell Your Soul or Get Hepatitis/AIDS from the Devil
Unbelievable. In this day and age...................
Moving On...............
My readers know that my specific field of interest is making the word "Satanism" mean one thing. As aware as i am that it is not an easy accomplishment it is a valuable one. This blog has entry after entry of me supporting my contention with historical fact and sociological reasoning. Several of my readers are even "spiritual satanists" who may disagree with me as a result of their own religious leanings but understand the reason why I feel this is a worthy pursuit. As the world gets smaller (via the internet) I believe it becomes more necessary for future generations of Satanists, my children as a matter of fact, to have the right to their religious name without apology or misunderstanding. This blog has paragraph after paragraph about how there was no codified religion called Satanism prior to 1966. Based on that as well as The Satanic Bible, an organized hierarchy, published and accepted (by law enforcement and academics, alike) ritual and dogma, and a thriving membership, my contention is that Satanism means one thing: The religion created by Anton LaVey, as put forth in The Satanic Bible, as practiced by those who have adopted the philosophy within The Satanic Bible and/or who are members of The Church of Satan.
The importance of this is based on the fact that without strict definition there is no defense or understanding. I want, when someone hears the word Satanist for them to immediately know what we are, or, even more importantly, what we aren't.
Joy of Satan is not Satanic. It is the epitome of Christian Heresy. It is devil worshiping. It is also a hate group in the most PC sense of the word:
Joy of Satan's sister organization
The Catholic Church and Christian religion are staffed with at the higher levels, and tools of the Jews who are their masters. The Jews are the ones who control the Christian Churches, especially the Catholic Vatican from which all other Christian sects evolved.
Oh, boy.
The following are the rules from their e-group on yahoo.com. As I'd sooner perform an at home mastectomy than join, and am feeling the need, I will respond here...in purple, because it is pretty. By the way the rules are the same for their teen group which says:
This group is for 13-19 year olds who wish to establish a relationship with Satan. The group is moderated so Christians cannot try to infest or disrupt in any way. High Priests and Priestesses of Satan are online to answer questions and post sermons for teens.
1. We know Satan and his Demons are real beings. If you are LaVeyan, or feel otherwise, do not push your beliefs here.
Satanists know you are Christians wearing black, as only those infected by Judeo-Christian religion need literal devils and demons to avoid being self-responsible. True Satanists might look at your page but to join your group would validate you and you are unworthy...oh, and Satanists don't have "beliefs" to push. Belief is for those too stupid to find out and know.
2. People who sympathise with and/or support the enemies of Satan- Jews, Christians and Muslims WILL BE BANNED!
Holy Shit! Racist , weak, stupid, and manipulative is no way to go through life, kids.
3. Blasphemy against Satan and/or his Demons will not be tolerated!
Almighty Father Satan needs you to fight his battles for him?
4. If you believe Satan and his Demons are evil, this is not the group for you, find another.
Why? Your definition of these beings is precisely the same as a Christians, you just reverse who is on the winning team.
5. Do not try to push Wiccan or other non-Satanic creeds here.
Strangely, I find these guys make Wicca look good--like in a major way, good.
6. Do not try to promote individuals, groups or organizations who bash the Joy of Satan. Your posts will be deleted and you will be banned.
Makes sense, but ya can't blame a girl for trying.
7. Anyone who posts advocating anything illegal will be banned.
Says the group who want kids to lie to their folks, and perform blood rituals.
8. Please be polite- flaming will not be tolerated.
Because there is nothing more offensive than a rude devil worshiping, deceptive, lying, racist.
There is so much more and I invite my beloved readers to comment on what they see and we can discuss it.
However, what you most need to know is that THIS is exactly what I am always going on about. How can I tell the cops, the teachers, the professors what I know to be true about Satanism, what I can back up with literature and anecdote alike, as long as scum like this are allowed to use our name unchallenged?
More to come,
I don't take much notice of people like this, I knew this particular group were try-hards but I didn't know they were anti-semitic.
O, how original.
Groups like these just cannot compare to the Church of Satan no matter how hard they try. The CoS has more professional websites, the literature, the interviews and the history. The message is getting across.
Non-Satanists can and do proudly state that they know what real Satanism is and that is has nothing to do with that crap. :P
I don't know why anyone interested in Satanism would possibly be attracted to people like that.
I've looked them up and it seems that very few people take them seriously anyway.
Perhaps they should just give up.
"Practical Satanism"
In my continued research into Joy of Satan this popped up:
Below is the exchange:
Y: What is PRACTICAL about being a reverse Christian? What is practical about teaching teens to become liars? What is practical about being an anti-semite? What is practical about making god red with horns, but still dropping on your knees to "worship?"
The Joy of Satan is neither practical OR Satanism. It is low rent, horror movie inspired devil worship. It is dangerous, irresponsible and a complete embarrassment to real Satanists and the valid religion of Satanism.
JS: I guess if you took the time to read what the practical satanism is about you would not have attacked me hypocrite.
1:12 AM
Y: Nope. Reading it is precisely what elicited my response.
If you say this: "We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. "
Then why is there a demand to use blood in your contract to Satan?
So, you do not understand what practical means, and you lie.
Of course, that is what Joy of Satan teaches:
"Father Satan states in the Black Book we are to keep his secrets!"
It is all good. Christians lie about their God all the time. If you'd all just admit you are Christians who like the bad guy, at least you'd have basis.
You are not, however, Satanists.
JS: First of all it's a link, I am not personally involved with the authors of this page, second of
all Satan is a mythical being and use of Satan is only as a representation of the satanic ideal of evil, third of all Satan does not exist nor does the Xian god, they are Xian names that were created to use in the religion of xianity and Jesus most likely never existed either, if indeed he did exist he was no miracle man. I personally am Sumerian which are the first god(s) ever before any other gods and the creator of humans never asked to be worshiped or anything of the such because he loved us as equals to himself, he never judged us and he saved us from extinction, so don't call me a Xian because I hate xianity and all that it stands for "Slavery", I worship no one and there is no god before me, I am my own god, I don't need a god to worship I acknowledge my creator and gave him a blood oath not to be a follower but to swear an allegiance against slavery. Anyways the point is don't be judgmental and who's side are you on anyways? People like you create wars over stupid shit, I mean really who gives a fuck anyways?
Y: I find it funny that now that you've sent this response, we are actually in agreement on more rather than less. You, apparently, are not reading what I wrote. I am now posting this on my page so if you choose to block at least you can see the reaction:
"First of all it's a link, I am not personally involved with the authors of this page,"
Then why in Hell would you post it on your page? Why would you endorse something without checking it out, and then get all pissed off when someone asks you about the endorsement you chose to make?
"second of all Satan is a mythical being and use of Satan is only as a representation of the satanic ideal of evil,"
EXACTLY! I could not agree more. Satan is a metaphor and true Satanists know this. Why, then, would you post/support info from a group of literal devil worshipers who actually believe in "Father Satan?"...and, again, get pissed when someone reads it and challenges you on it?
"third of all Satan does not exist nor does the Xian god, they are Xian names that were created to use in the religion of xianity and Jesus most likely never existed either, if indeed he did exist he was no miracle man."
Agreed. Again. And again, why did you post and endorse those who believe in a literal Satan?
"I personally am Sumerian which are the first god(s) ever before any other gods and the creator of humans never asked to be worshiped or anything of the such because he loved us as equals to himself, he never judged us and he saved us from extinction, so don't call me a Xian because I hate xianity and all that it stands for "Slavery","
I am not sure I understand, but that was never my point. I do not believe in any gods/devils/demons/angels/hobbits/faeries or external supernatural literal entities of any kind. I am a Satanist.
"I worship no one and there is no god before me, I am my own god, I don't need a god to worship I acknowledge my creator and gave him a blood oath not to be a follower but to swear an allegiance against slavery."
Ok, I totally do not get the need to take a blood oath to something to swear allegiance to nothing, but, hey, you're an adult and whatever floats your boat. However, these Joy of Satan people are advocating for children to take blood oaths to "Father Satan," to lie to their parents, to believe in all manner of imaginary shit---and it is severely dangerous and uncool and by posting what you did you are supporting that. I hope that wasn't your intent.
"Anyways the point is don't be judgmental and who's side are you on anyways? People like you create wars over stupid shit, I mean really who gives a fuck anyways?"
I am judgmental. As my own god and as a person on this planet I have both a right and obligation to use my judgment and power to expose and attack those who use my religion, the religion of Satanism, to break the law and humiliate those of us who practice this religion.
People like me, Sir, are the reason people like YOU can go about your business and not get persecuted for your beliefs. People like me are the one's who put it all on the line so that those following alternative religions get all the benefits the Constitution allows us. I don't know who you think I am, but I, Sir, am the person who keeps the cops, the legislatures, the courts, the TV producers, etc....in check so that people like you can enjoy your god-hood, instead of defending it.
28 years in the trenches, Sir, so that you can promote an organization that will re-awake the Satanic Panic and get decent people hurt.
I guess the question is, who's side are you on?
3:46 PM
Typical drivel from a COS lackey.... I hate to tell you.... Wait no I dont, the COS is just a money hoarding organization slapping Satan in the face. Sad. Really it is.
"slapping Satan in the face?" Yup. That is what I do when I am not committing sodomy on the Easter Bunny or sending hate mail to Santa Claus. Every now and then I drive Harry Potter to Atlantis and have races with unicorns and orgies with the seven dwarfs.
And even that ridiculous need for a higher power/god/deity for you to kneel before isn't as bad as the anti-Semitic drivel, the lack of loyalty and responsibility and the dozens of other things where you use Satanism as an excuse to justify sociopathy: JUST LIKE THE CHRISTIANS ACCUSE US OF.
You are a cliche.
You are a stereotype.
In a truly Satanic world you'd be very dead.
Sociopathy.... The proof for any form of SRA or higher acts of violence among Satanists is unfounded. Research more before you attack. You read the proof before you act like I am nuts
If you believe in a literal being called Satan you're nuts. I don't need much more input.
Your support of a racist organization that interferes with parental controls and promotes itself to children simply confirms your nuts status.
Promotes itself to kids? And it does not circumvent parental control.
As long as you are under 18, you are not free, nor do you have the same rights as an adult. Whoever is taking care of you, your parents or a relative or guardian, they have power over you.
Christians try very hard to force kids and teens into their beliefs. This is because you are young and don't have enough knowledge and experience from living and they know this. They don't let you explore both sides or other religions. This is because they want to control your mind. They don't want you to think for yourself. Many have hurt and abused children because this is what their religion teaches. If you are living in a Christian household, you have to be careful when you explore religions that Christians are taught to hate. ---www.joyofsatan.org.
Wow that is so ant authority. And gee, remember Columbine, those SOCIOPATHS swore allegiance to Marilyn Manson AND the COS. Now who are the sociopaths?
And guess what, if I choose to believe in Satan as an entity then so be it. I see now why neopagans etc HATE Satanists, because your beloved Church of Atheists calls them stupid and claims to be elite.
I can believe what I want and state my opinions freely. So can you, but to use the name of Father Satan to justify being a egotistical atheist is Unethical.
Your ignorance demonstrates my point.
Christians try very hard to force kids and teens into their beliefs. ... This is because they want to control your mind.They don't want you to think for yourself."
I dislike Christianity just as much as you or anyone on the LHP BUT you are ignoring the nature of parenting---the NATURAL, evolutionary facts that are not exclusive to Christians but to all.
OK...look at it this way--no one picks a religion they believe to be second best. Peoiple choose the religion they believe to be right. Therefore, a Christian firmly BELIEVES in Heaven and Hell and all that other bullshit, and because they love their children and wish to prevent those loved children from feeling pain they indoctrinate those kids into the religion they believe to be right. To do anything else would be wrong! To NOT indoctrinate them would be taking a chance of eternal destruction---it would mean they don't actually love and care for their kids.
This is human nature.
This is evolutionary programming.
Thiw IS NOT only what Christians do, but what all loving parents do---right or wrong.
Now, Joy of Satan literally attempts to deny and circumvent that natural process. They want to diminish the rights of parents and thereby reduce the protective component parents provide....and yes...there are multitudes of shitty parents of every religion out there, no shit, BUT that does not give JoS the right to not be attacked for their stance.
As a Satanist, as a parent, I have the right to challenge them, and I have granted you the right to publish your ideas on my pages.
I see where you are coming from.
And for the record, I am not standing up for the things about JoS that DO subvert authority (I honestly have not seen them yet) or for the neo-Nazi beliefs. I am doing this as a Theistic Satanist, not a Jos-er.
I am a little upset though that the main viewpoint on Satanism in general is the Church Of Satan as it is essentially an anti-Church, and more like a social elite network. I have read many things by
LeVay and he does have some intelligent philosophies on life in general, but I personnally do not agree with him spiritually.
I have to say as someone who started out with The Satanic Bible, and jumped in from there, the Church of Satan was a HUGE letdown, expensive to join, clergy VERY elite. Based solely on non-Satanic (my opinion) aspects of personal achievements.
I do wish to understand why they feel obligated to charge to join any church? A church in essence is a service to the community AND runs by charity. Satanism might get a more satisfactory view if it wasn't a "elite" or Rich mans organization (no offense).
There is a lot wrong with this group, but encouraging teens to join is not one of them. I'm always amazed by how Pagans and other fringe spiritual/religious/philosophical groups try to protect themselves by pretending that 18 actually means something. Legal guardians are just that -- LEGAL guardians. Not spiritual, not moral, not anything else. Nobody owns anyone -- and that includes parents. To disobey a shitty parent is as immoral as jaywalking on an abandoned street, and shitty parents do not have to be dictionary-definition abusive. There is such a thing as cruelty that nonetheless falls outside the bounds of legislation, and lots of parents practice it. So, as a really liberal, irreligious person who respects human autonomy, I do not respect the notion of it being wrong to ever step into the life of a minor when the parent doesn't want you to. There's a lot of grey area between utterly brainwashing a child and helping someone under the age of eighteen to explore paths his or her parent isn't into.
I think both you and any other left or right religion that rants and raves yet take no steps are nothing but empty cans. You propagate beliefs you know little to nothing about. To you and them it is all about wearing a big chip on your shoulder with too much to say and too little to prove. You and anyone like you that call yourself a witch are an embarrasment to any free thinker. If you are truly a free thinker stop forcing your opinion down on people. And seeing as you want to be a Satanist, that already makes you an anti-semite because you see, god and satan are biblical figures, the bilble and its God, the God of the Isrealites the last time I checketd were jewish..Satan being the enemy of God (Yahwe Elloim)and his chosen, being Israel..Satan is an anti-semite...you love satan...satan hates the jews and their god..in order for you to truly be a follower of him you should hate them too. And perhaps it will do you some good to take the bible and thoroughly study it, like you would any other book from page one right to the last. And dont even try and give me that bullshit that you hate god to much to read his tract,A very wise old witch once taught me "Deny no scripture or its spirits..Learn my child all the faiths of the world for in each of them lies an immeasurable wealth of knowledge and knowledge is power, but only if you have the wisdom to harness it without losing yourself. Dance in the shadows for this is where the truth lies and it is these treasures that those so obsessed with either the light or the dark miss. But above all this you were given a soul that speaks clearly and guided you long before you could read any book or be corrupted by any man, listen to it and you will never go wrong" To this day I am still to meet a Swami, Guru, Priest, Pastor, satanist, Izangoma, Shamaan,Inyanga or medicine man that could do what she could or who had as much knowledge or energy as her. Perhaps if you spent more time lsitening and learning and less time ranting and raving you would aquire more than some religious shock or status symbol used by insecure frightened people to scare and harass other people. And oh You can not claim to be a Satanist and then say Satan is only a metaphore..FFS then why not drOp the metaphoric bullshit and say I AM A GODLESS ATHEIST WHO LIKES TO DABBLE IN MYSTISM WITH HOPES TO MAKE CANDY FLOSS OUT OF HORSE SHIT AND HAVE AN EXCUSE TO SIN TO MY HEARTS CONTENT, SO i DONT HAVE TO FACE THAT I AM NOTHING MORE THAN A REBELIOUS TEENAGE SHOCKER STUCK IN THE BODY OF AN ADULT
So, today I wake up and get this drivel on Sunday Morning:
Mystic Mom has left a new comment on the post "The Worst of the Worst: Joy Of Satan":
"I think both you and any other left or right religion that rants and raves yet take no steps are nothing but empty cans. You propagate beliefs you know little to nothing about. To you and them it is all about wearing a big chip on your shoulder with too much to say and too little to prove. You and anyone like you that call yourself a witch are an embarrasment to any free thinker."
Okay---so on only one cup of coffee so far, Mystic Mom seems pissed. 'doesn't like my attack on the anti-semitic, child mind rapists Joy of Satan. 'doesn't like me being a Witch. Okeedokee.
" If you are truly a free thinker stop forcing your opinion down on people."
Not a free thinker. 'didn't claim to be. Oh, and Sparky, YOU came to MY page. No one "forced" you to "down" to it. 'fucking idiot.
" And seeing as you want to be a Satanist, that already makes you an anti-semite because you see, god and satan are biblical figures, the bilble and its God, the God of the Isrealites the last time I checketd were jewish..Satan being the enemy of God (Yahwe Elloim)and his chosen, being Israel..Satan is an anti-semite...you love satan...satan hates the jews and their god..in order for you to truly be a follower of him you should hate them too. And perhaps it will do you some good to take the bible and thoroughly study it"
I am a Satanist, not a devil worshiping Christian Heretic which is what you have described. You have chosen the Christian definition of "Satanist." Perhaps you would like the Christian definition of "Witch" applied to you?
More to follow
," like you would any other book from page one right to the last. And dont even try and give me that bullshit that you hate god to much to read his tract,A very wise old witch once taught me "Deny no scripture or its spirits..Learn my child all the faiths of the world for in each of them lies an immeasurable wealth of knowledge and knowledge is power, but only if you have the wisdom to harness it without losing yourself."
You are a silly thing aren't you? Silly little cute witchy thing. I like it.
Of course I have read the Bible. It is a book tho' silly---not a god given tract because, get this, there is NO GOD. No devil. No Satan. No Goddess. No angels, demons, hobbits or faeries. 'just silly people like you and half-asleep low caffinated people like me.
" Dance in the shadows for this is where the truth lies and it is these treasures that those so obsessed with either the light or the dark miss. But above all this you were given a soul that speaks clearly and guided you long before you could read any book or be corrupted by any man, listen to it and you will never go wrong" To this day I am still to meet a Swami, Guru, Priest, Pastor, satanist, Izangoma, Shamaan,Inyanga or medicine man that could do what she could or who had as much knowledge or energy as her"
Say what? Is that supposed to be deep or something?
" Perhaps if you spent more time lsitening and learning and less time ranting and raving you would aquire more than some religious shock or status symbol used by insecure frightened people to scare and harass other people."
Perhaps if you did not voluntarily come to a place that specifically advertises that it IS rants you wouldn't be so shocked and pissed. Caveat Emptor Muthafucker!
You obviously believe all the Christian swill if you actually believe in devils. Satan is a metaphor. iI am an atheist. And you, Silly, came here all on your own in order to be shocked. I didn't want to disappoint.
From what I've read here and elsewhere, even most Spiritual Satanists hate JoS. Wack jobs exist in all faiths. I imagine Jos is to Spiritual Satanism as the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christianity.
This made me Lol. I believe in the old Norse gods as my father did and his father before that. But do i believe Thor really controls the thunder? No. I do however believe in ValHalla and the other great fields ill go to when i die. but thats just me. I use to be JoS in my teenage years as i wanted power I the woke up one day a realized i was being brainwashed by a Neo-Nazi cult. I have read some books by Anton LeVey and he sounds like a wise man. To anyone who actually follows JoS, just don't give them your money for peat sake.
Why is Satan called the Liar?? Yeah. You and I know it, yet, who's taking the NarrowPath?? -1 Cor 11:1 Ponder that subject before your end. Only 2 realms after death, gorgeous babe, and 1 of 'em ain't too cool. God bless you.
Great posting, Magistra
I'm a fairly recent satanist and was introduced to it by the Levayan Satanic Bible which i have found a very useful and interesting book. I've found that the COS philosophies and ideals are the ones that my wife and i share the most.
I found the JOS site and saw some interesting things on it, till i read about a literal devil and the
connection to National Socialism.
I mean for crap's sake, their newsletter's avatar is a Nazi...Himmler i think? Who in their right mind would associate these days with Nazism?
That's just what we satanists need, eh? To look just like the depiction in the exorcist or worse yet, connected to Nazis!!
That was it for me. I appreciate the work of LEvay and the COS and it has been a very positive influence for me, having been through very extreme and chronic abuse from christian parents. People should not be fooled by JOS, that is not what true satanism is about. (or at least should not be!) I am not at all interested in a BLOOD ritual for yet another invisible being! (christianity already has enough blood references, thank you)
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